Nowadays, sex in Prague is nothing forbidden or secret. There’s less and less love in this word and more and more passion and desire. Young people want to become experiences in this field to suit the society trend. Sex won’t upset anyone anymore, it become something ordinary. But! One of the most pleasant moments is the excitation of a moment that is unexpected and unforseen, that will excite the partners again. How is it possible to find it during a night? With your partner or girl? The night, romantics, candles. That is all great, but you won’t surprise anyone with it. The one who prepared the beauty will be waiting for compliments and gratitude and the other partner will feel indebted. There are many other ways to make your night unforgetable.

If you trust your partner confide him your fantasies! Talk with him about your secret thoughts and dreams. And try to make the possibility come real. A wish is enough for a man, it works differently for a woman. To make her relaxed so you could satisfy her, the woman needs to stop thinking. To stop thinking about preparations, clothes etc.

It’s important to think about your partner and how to please him. During sex in Prague both are involved. And if the situation doesn’t progress as you imagined it, it’s important to say it, not to be quiet and suffer. It’s always important to communicate about this topic. To keep your conected common sexual life is very important – to share and to understand. Men and women differ not only by body, but also by fantasies, wishes, biorhythms. She needs more time to reach orgasm, few seconds can be enough for him. Also a woman can reach more orgasms, men love that, because they are afraid that they won’t be able to satisfy their partner. That’s true for all men.

Many couples think about the question if they have sex often enough – less or more than would be normal. There is no answer for that, only a guess. Some people have sex more often, when they don’t love each other enough and they fill void between them. And there are couples that love each other and they don’t mind how often they have sex. Well, that’s love…